Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The Sandstone Trail- The day of the Dog

So it was the dogs birthday and I'd promised him a good run when I got back off my jollys. I've ran with the dog before, I've even taken him on the odd race, was he up to it? Would he keep going? Was it to hot for this old boy?

Mrs Wallman dropped us of at Whitchurch and after a false start (forgot my mobile) we were off. Running with the dog always gets me lovely smiles and cheery hellos, today was no exception, perhaps it was the wonderful weather making everyone so happy!

Through the fields keeping a careful eye on the dog as he's a bit unpredictable with cattle and Lamas are a definite no no.

Into the hills and with a glint of fluresant jacket in the distant our curiosity was aroused. 'Duathlon mate' was the answer to the question that never really got asked. If you hurry you'll miss them, you might even catch Ranulph Fiennes up, he just passed here five minutes ago. This certainly put a bounce into our stride, let's catch Ran up. After several miles and no sight of Ran we happily meandered though the woods with only a slight pause for the dogs call of nature.

26ish miles into it and we finally meet our support team (I started the run thinking they were going to be at Beaston Castle!), watered and fed and back on our feet and looking forward to the familiar ground back to Frodsham. More waves and smiles to keep our spirits up, yes they were defiantly needed now. The day was getting hotter and hotter, but it's only April! Sweaty, tired and sore we carried on, the dog was lagging a bit but with words of encouragement and promises of great things he kept on going. Cruelty? no I'm sure he's still enjoying it and you know what they say - 'If it don't kill yer, it'll make yer stronger'!

At last down into Frodsham we venture, keeping the Dog close at heel now as tired legs and busy roads don't mix very well plus the fact that he had switched off to me about an hour ago. Over the road and into the welcoming beer garden of the Bears Paw with a few funny looks off the scantely dressed girls we got our victory drinks and let the glory sink in.

Was the dog happy that he'd just completed the full Sandstone Trail in a whopping good time? Of course he was as this was no ordinary dog this was Dogtanian of 'Fetch' fame!

Cheers Steve for a great day, 'best ever eh' til' the next one.


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